Monday, April 11, 2016

Rocky Ideology Review

Rocky is clearly set as the good guy in the movie. Although he is a collector for a loan shark, he tries to take it easy on the guys and doesn’t break their fingers. Sylvester Stallone wrote and produced Rocky. When writing the film he saw himself being the lead. He refused to sell the script unless he was going to be Rocky. With that mindset he knew exactly who Rocky needed to be.
The overall tone of the film is serious. It portrays a normal guy in the slums of Philadelphia and it slowly picks up through the training montages all the way to the final fight scene between Rocky and Apollo Creed.
            The costumes did have some ideological weight to them. Rocky, being a big Italian guy, almost greaser like, had all black on with a leather jacket. Apollo Creed would always wear nice suits and clothing to show how much higher he was above rocky money wise. At the end, the boxing ring was decorated to match the American flag to show that Rocky was given a chance to reach the American dream.
            Throughout the film, there is only one woman who has a significant role. Adrian, who is Rocky’s love interest and Paulie’s little sister. At the start of the film she is portrayed as almost helpless and incredibly shy. Until her and Rocky get to spend some time together she doesn’t talk much. But she begins to stand up for herself when Paulie yells at her for not taking care of him.

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